2012-06-19 19:56 hbos

Weather : Partly Cloudy / N wind 2 bft / Rain 0 mm / 1018.0 hpa
Divers : John, Axel
Goal : Visibility check + Watersamples
Max depth : 18.2 mtrs 
Duration : 108 minutes
Air temp :  15 celsius
Water temp : 10.8 celsius minimum
Thermocline:at 16.5 mtr drop from 16.3 to 10.8 celsius
Fish: 5 eals and 2 large perch. 1 Zander, Schools of young (approx 1 cm) perch feeding on clouds of young shrimp

Plants : fresh pondweed of 1,8 mtr and higher in northwest corner. 
Visibility  : 5.0 mtr at 3 mtr depth / 5.0 mtr at 6 mtr depth 
Yellow viz: 5.0 mtr at 3 mtr depth / 5.0 mtr at 6 mt depth (at Paviljoen)
Remarks : > 10 divers in water.
Watersample taken at 3 and 6 mtr depth for weekly analysis. Due to working airpump in SW corner. NW pump is turned off. Waterfleas almost obsolete, instead large quantities of young shrimp. In dive area visibility is 3 mtr. Water is milky green. From 16.5 mtr till deeper there is a thick milky layer. Visibility there is less then 0,5 mtr. Eals have burried themselves into the mud at depth above the Thermocline. Near the piles there are huge schools of young perch. 

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