2012-11-13 19:46 Going deep!

Weather : Overcast / S wind 3 bft / Rain 0. mm / 1028.4 hpa

Divers : Remko, Kacper, Axel
Goal : Search Catfish
Max depth : 20.1 mtrs
Duration : 55 minutes
Air temp : 9.0 celsius
Water temp : 10,4 celsius minimum
Fish: > 5 big perch at about 13-15 mtr depth. 5-10 eals resting at bottom. > 10 Ruffe big and small. Loads of free swimming and hunting shrimp.
Visibility : 7 meters at 3 meter depth and approx 2 mtr at 19 mtr depth
Remarks: 3 divers in water. We went via the NW pontoon searching depth and stayed about 10 min at 19 meters. from about 17 mtr depth and down there is some airborn sediment but is coagulating into mucous like threads. I’ve seen that before.
No significant thermocline. From 0-9 mtr 11,2 celsius and 9-20 mtr depth 10,8 celsius.

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