2012-12-21 15:09 hbos Top layer sediment ..WOW!!

Weather : rainy / S wind 4 bft / Rain 1.1 mm / 1001.7 hpa

Divers : Ted,Gery,Remko,Martien,Axel,
Goal : get sediment specimen at 20 mtr and specimen from pile at 6 mtr depth
Max depth : 20.0 mtr
Duration : 69 minutes
Air temp : 7.0 celsius
Water temp : 5,2 celsius minimum
Fish: > 1 eal, 1 catfish
Remarks: > 5 divers. Taking specimens is fun especially when you want to know what you will find under de microscope..  Result is astonashing.. See movie I made from under de microscope. 
The variety of cells and organisms is infinite.

Look at videowall on righthand side of the blogsite

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