2012-12-29 09:27 hbos going deep again

Weather : Clouded / S wind 6 bft / Rain 0 mm / 1007.2 hpa

Divers : Kacper ,Axel,
Goal : Look around , measure visibility.
Max depth : 19.8 mtr
Duration : 65 minutes
Air temp : 11.0 celsius
Water temp : 6,6 celsius minimum
Fish: > 3 eal, 2 catfish, 3 Perch, 1 Zander all in the deep.
Baseline visibility: 6 mtr depth -> 9 meters.
Secchi visibility: 6 meter depth -> 12 mtr
Plants: Elodea (waterpest) is diminishing at the entry point. though a young plant is growing being Potamogeton Crispus. At 20 mtr depth loose bushes of Elodea can be found which have bigger leafs than the ones at about 2-3 mtr depth.
Remarks > 10 divers. We were heading for the yellow buoy. We have passed 2 ridges. We took a right turn and the bottom slopes nicely. There is a huge clay boulder. Then we turned east again and found the air hoses which supply the northwest pontoon. They are curled up and attached to the anchor of the yellow buoy. A steel line guides to the pontoon. At 9 mtr depth on our measurement pile a beautiful sponge grows. Also patches of darkgreen algea on the pile. Temperature is now stable. 

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