2012-01-06 09:02 New years madness

Weather : Sunny / NW wind 3 bft / Rain 0 mm / 1029.0 hpa

Divers : John, Kacper ,Axel,
Goal : Follow bottom profile upto 20 mtr depth.
Max depth : 20.1 mtr
Duration : 57 minutes
Air temp : 10.0 celsius
Water temp : 6,6 celsius minimum
Fish: > 1 eal, 1 catfish, 1 pike at 18 mtr
Baseline visibility: 6 mtr depth -> 8 meters.
Secchi visibility: 6 meter depth -> 11 mtr
Plants: New shoots coming. Even at 18 mtr Elodea is growing a bit showing fresh new leaves.
Remarks > 30 divers. We were as early as possible to get into the water before the hurd of divers would make their new year dive. There were 4 divers before us. We followed the bottom profile until we reached 20 mtrs. I saw a glimps of the catfish but left it alone. In the bottom you can see where it embeds itself. We pushed on further and spotted more spots where catfish rest. On the way back visibility came near zero as a group of divers tried to find their way. A thick sandstorm like wall came towards us and we ascended a bit to avoid it. 

Actually I’m not bothered with that cloud of dust in the catfish area. At least they can enjoy some peace and quiet down there until the dust settles again. 
Left you see a depthprofile. Route and depth related to map is not measured, but it gives an idea.

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