2013-02-10 09:53 Toolenburgplas How deep can we get

Weather : Sunny / S wind 4 bft / Rain 0 mm / 1009.8 hpa

Divers : John, Kacper, Robin, Axel,
Goal : How deep can we get, sediment sample.
Max depth : 26.9 mtr
Duration : 32 minutes
Air temp : 0.0 celsius
Water temp : 3.0 celsius minimum
Fish: > 3 Perch, 2 Pike at 26 mtr depth
Estimated visibility: 2-3 mtr
Plants: none
Comment: As we went down the slope we hit 26 mtr in 10 minutes. Robin signalled us and two large Perch swam away. In a very small valley at 26.9 mtr I took my sediment sample.  We noticed a lot of plastic and cans. Pretty tough to do with my Neorpene gloves under my drygloves. Then we saw a pike lying there. Then John gave a turnaround signal so we turned a quarter to the left. With that move Robin and I lost Kacper and John. It is very hard to search with a 2 meter visibility to Robin and I proceded our way back. Along the way Robin spotted another pike. The slopes are gradually going up. Robin found a piece of rope with a weight on it and a stainles steel shackle. It looked as a perpendicular. Eight minutes later than us John and Kacper surfaced. Now I’m going to check out the sediment sample.

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