24-12-2011 10:50 hbos

Weather      : Some clouds / W wind 4 bft/ Rain 3.8 mm
Divers         :Mark / Joris / Axel
Goal           : Measure visibility with baseline measure card and yellow car, Photoshoot, Made fixed photo point
Max depth   : 7.5 mtr
Duration      : 40 minutes
Air temp      : 12 celsius
Water temp : 6.4 celsius
Thermocline : none
Fish            : a cloud of freshwater shrimp near piles.
Plants         : Waterweed (Elodea canadensis) range 1-4 mtr depth, some brown leaves 
Visibility BC*: At 6 mtr depth 7.5,   at 3 mtr depth 10
Visibility YC*: At 6 mtr depth 10.0, at 3 mtr depth 11
Remarks      : < 5 divers in the water.
BC= Baseline viz card.
YC= Yellow viz card. 
The more light there is the less difference you get between BC en YC.

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