2012-03-11 10:50 hbos

Weather     : Few clouds / NW wind 3 bft / Rain 0.0 mm / 1035.1 hpa
Divers        : Ted / Gery / Erwin / John /Axel
Goal          : Reconnaissance dive.
Max depth  : 18.3
Duration     : 55 – 70 minutes
Air temp     : 7.7 celsius
Water temp: 4.4 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish           :1 eal at about 17 mtrs
Plants        : no changes

Visibility     :  varieing as there were clouds of dust 
Remarks     :  > 10 divers in water. We checked out south platform on bottom where we saw a board with weights. A thick tube through which air is forced into smaller tubes releasing the air into the water at 15 mtr depth. Pump was not active. We swam further south and went NNW until we reached a depth of about 18-20 mtrs. John and Axel diverted to the shore earlier than Ted Gery and Erwin who swam on to the north shore and than back.

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