Weather : Cloudy / W wind 2 bft / Rain 0.4 mm / 1003.1 hpa
Divers : John
Goal : Checking Thermocline
Max depth : 11.5
Duration : 39 minutes
Air temp : 8.9 celsius
Water temp: 5.2 celsius minimum
Thermocline: At 7 meters thick milk like thermocline from 6 to 8 celsius.
Fish : > 5 Perch, millions of Cyclopidae Maxillopoda (een oogkreeftjes)
Plants : Covered in sediment of thermocline
Visibility : 2 mtr at 6 mtr depth, 1.5 mtr at 3 mtr depth
Remarks : 6 divers in water. Surface watertemp is 10.
TC at 7 mtr washing out deeper. Up to 11 mtrs dust. All mussels have there tubes wide open and still no mussels on the piles of the Paviljoen up to 8 mtr depth. At bottom a heap of mussels and sponges which have fallen of the piles. Mussels are active on bottom making tracks. Significant temp increase while taking viz measurement. In 3 minutes a rise from 7 celsius to 10 celsius while staying in a 3 meter radius at exactly 3 mtr depth. 3 mtr dept temperature at exit point was 8 celsius.