Weather : Clouded / S wind 3 bft / Rain 3.3 mm / 1012.7 hpa
Divers : Remko, Kacper ,Axel
Goal : Overall impression
Max depth : 12.0
Duration : 73 minutes
Air temp : 17.7 celsius
Water temp : 10.8 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish : 3 pike, 2 Zanders, 1 Perch, 1 eal. waterfleas in misty area’s
Plants : wire algea new shoots of pondweed at about 1-3 mtr depth
Visibility : 5 mtr at 3 and 6 mtr depth estimated
Yellow viz : not used
Remarks : > 10 divers in water
Found one moulded fish on bottom. Pike, Eal and Zander are territorial and reside in the same area.
There is more white sediment in the water than before. Tube algea at 5 meter depth, Wire algea is growing bigger.
Water temp rises very gradually.