2012-08-09 20:28 hbos GOPro and Secchi test

Weather : Clouded / NE wind 2 bft / Rain  0.00 mm / 1026.3 hpa
Divers : Joris, Axel
Goal : Visibility
Max depth : 14.2 mtrs
Duration : 96 minutes
Air temp :  16.3 celsius
Water temp : 18.8 celsius minimum
Fish: > young perch, 1 dark striped pike.
Plants :Elodea is growing. Potamogeton seems to diminish
Visibility  : 3,5 mtr at 3 mtr depth
Yellow viz: 3,5 mtr at 3 mtr depth
Remarks:  > 5 divers. No mucous like threads anymore as dive before.
Little Perch approx 5 cm are abundant and are swimming in schools. 

Next to Paviljoen there is a clear stretch where as a little further from the Paviljoen visibility gets less.
It is now becoming obvious that the mussels are doing a great job filtering the water. In a layer of about 50 cm above a musselrich patch the water is more clear than other areas where mussels are less abundant lets say over a sandy bottom. We took a tour prom the Paviljoen going right at 13 mtrs. There are beautiful blocks to be seen there. When you get near the active ponton the visibility gets worse when you go deeper than 15 mtrs. 
We made a video of this dive inclusing a visibility reading. Take a look at the video box at this site

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