2012-08-14 20:12 Papa’s Beach House

Weather : Clouded / E wind 2 bft / Rain  < 0.05 mm / 1013.0 hpa
Divers : Ted, Kacper, Axel
Goal : Reconaissance dive doing half a lap from Papa’s Beach House
Max depth : 16.6 mtrs
Duration : 83 minutes
Air temp :  20.8 celsius
Water temp : 16.8 celsius minimum
Fish: > young perch 3 eal, 1 Zander, 3 pike, > 10 Ruffe
Plants :This side mainly has Elodea and hardly any Potamogeton species. 
Visibility  : not registered
Yellow viz: not registered
Remarks:  7 divers. Going clockwise via the south east beach to the narrowest part and crossover going East to the other side via the bottom. At 16 meters the water is colder than the westside at 16 meters.
There is even a patch of fungi growing on the bottom in small grey/white pointy dots. Under 6 meters the visibility is rather well and has the same characteristics as the West side. There is one active ponton near the southeast beach which seem to have no negative affect on the viz. We passed it at about 7-8 meters where is was pretty clear. At bottom about 13 mtr one Zander. When we reached the eastside there were again great looking blocks of clay and the airtube which have many (useless) tie-raps on them. One fishline and near the end we saw a tree log standing upright at about 7-9 mtr depth. More light coloured soft clay blocks which eroded into layers. 
Great dive. View short video to see how we lapped the eastern part.

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