2012-09-02 10:31 hbos

Weather : Clouded / SW wind 3 bft / Rain <0.05 mm / 1024.1 hpa
Divers : Joris, Ted, Gery, Axel,
Goal : Watersamples, Visibility
Max depth : 15.5 mtrs
Duration : 102 minutes
Air temp :  16.2 celsius
Water temp : 20.8 celsius minimum
Fish: > Young Perch in smaller schools, 2 older Perch, 1 eal at 14,0 mtr, 1 zander (widened gillplate), Sweetwater jelly fish was spotted earleier at 15 mtr. No waterfleas at this time of day.
Plants : Elodea (waterpest) stable, wire algea not growing below 4 mtr. Potamogeton are covered in algea dots
Visibility : 5 mtr at 6mtr depth, 5 mtr at 3 mtr depth
Remarks: > 4 divers.Visibility is better but then the temperature has decreased a little too by 1 celsius. Anyway the visibility has not increased during closing of the divesite during Mysteryland. Eventhough there was a mist at 15 mtr we felt no thermocline. There were also 7 lines perfectly parallel to eachother. Did not seem to be fishing lines since it was twisted wireline material. We wel check tuesday to see if they are still there. significantly less abundant counts of young perch on the southwest side as opposed to the rich fishcounts (young perch and ruffe on the east side near the beaches. Interresting dive since we probably dove under the pontoon. This one makes way more noise then the other two pontons. This one is closer to the compressor.

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