2012-12-15 14:31 hbos Placing SETL plate H106

Weather : CloudedSSW wind 4 bft / Rain 1.1 mm / 995.1 hpa

Divers : John, Axel
Goal : Placing new SETL plate and moving.
Max depth : 19.7 mtrs
Duration : 31 minutes
Air temp : 8.0 celsius
Water temp : 5,2 celsius minimum
Fish: > 1 very small Perch, 
Visibility : 7,5 meters at 3 meter depth 
               7,5 meter at 6 meter depth
Secchi viz: 10 meter at 3 meter depth

Remarks: Moving SETL plate H136 to new location and placing a new plate H106 on new location.
Below is photo of H106. I’ve had permission from Vork & Mes to use a new location.
For visibility we started using Secchi equivelant of 10 cm diam instead of the standard 20 cm disc in addition to Baseline for scientific reason

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