Weather : Clear / SE wind 2 bft / Rain 0.0 mm / 1008.7 hpa
Divers : Remko,Iva, Axel
Goal : Visibility go-see into the deep
Max depth : 19.7 mtrs
Duration : 67 minutes
Air temp : -1.0 celsius
Water temp : 5,6 celsius minimum
Fish: > 2 eals, > 5 Perch, > 5 Ruffe and some redbelly shrimp free swimming, 1 catfish
Visibility : 8,0 meters at 3 meter depth
8,0 meter at 6 meter depth
Remarks: 3 divers in water. No thermocline nice and clear water
New baselinemeter is made of trespa where the white top layer has been milled away until the black baselayer becomes visible. Special thanks to Patrick.