2012-12-06 20:10 Sediment measuring

Weather : Clear / S wind 5 bft / Rain 0.0 mm / 1009.1 hpa

Divers : John,Kacper, Axel
Goal : Visibility, Random Sediment measuring / SETL check
Max depth : 14.9 mtrs
Duration : 50 minutes
Air temp : 2.0 celsius
Water temp : 7,2 celsius minimum
Fish: > 2 eals, > 5 Perch, > 5 Ruffe and some redbelly shrimp free swimming
Visibility : 7,5 meters at 3 meter depth 
               7,5 meter at 6 meter depth

Remarks: 3 divers in water. No significant thermocline. From 0-15 mtr. 
Today it is JOhn’s 500th dive. First we do a check on where we are going to hang our 5 SETL plates. We have official authorisation of the Restaurant.  So they are aware of what is going to hang there. One tiny Perch sat on the SETL plate H135. Both Plates are clean but the stones and laundryline has grown some organisms on it.
Then we lowered down to do viz measurements. At the bottom at about 13 mtr we did a sediment thickness measurement. Next to the pile it was 50 cm until we hit hard bottom. A few meters south from the pile the stick hit some more dense layers, but came to about 110 cm depth. We just took random measurements to get an idea. At some point event at 7 mter depth there was a sediment layer of 100 cm! Byu the looks of it the more you come to the shore the more dense it becomes. At the reel we have 80 cm
The concrete mixer is gone by the way. I guess it hase been replaced to another location.

It was a very interesting dive with suprisingly much fish.  

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