2013-01-27 09:26 hbos Ponton visit.

Weather : Clouded / SW wind 5 bft / Rain > 1 mm / 996.0 hpa

Divers : Martien, Paul, Axel,
Goal : General look around
Max depth : 17.8 mtr
Duration : 45 minutes
Air temp : 4.0 celsius
Water temp : 3,0 celsius minimum
Fish: > 1 Zander at 9 mtr, Copepods in watercolumn but less than last week. Shrimp on bottom.
Baseline visibility: estimated 7 mtr
Secchi visibility: estimated + 3 = 10 mtr
Plants: Elodea is virtually gone down to 7 mtr depth apart from a few single small plants. It is funny that at > 10 mtr  Elodea in unrooted (tumbleweed like) bushes remain constant in size and colour.

Comment: Mussels at North Side remain below 9 meters depth in a distinct border. 
We started the dive going traight forward through the beautiful boulders of clay. Shrimp are triggered by the divelights and dance up and down. By coinsidence we stumbled upon the hanging weights of the 
Northwest pontoon. It still has more old fishinglines which need to be removed. My fingers were very numb so I didn’t bother to remove them this time. We followed the rope going exactly south to the anchorpoint of the yellow buoy. Going NW we slowly ascended to 9 meters and swam back to the entry point.
You could feel a very faint underwater current generated by the wind. 
At 4 minutes in the dive there is a coldspot at 13 mtr depth going from 2,4 celsius to 1,6 celsius for about 10 seconds. 

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