2013-03-17 SETL sunday

Weather : Clouds with sun / SE wind 4 bft / Rain  2.8 mm / 995.5 hpa

Divers : Cees, Axel
Goal : Place SETL H124 and retreive H136 and H106 for photograph. Place all plates back
Max depth : 18.9
Duration : 50 minutes
Air temp : 5.5 celsius
Water temp : 3.8 celsius minimum
Fish: > 1 embedded eal, Perch, and shrimps on the bottom, some copepods in watercolumn.
Dutchi visibility 3 mtr depth 8,0 mtr
Dutchi visibility 6 mtr depth 8,0 mtr 
Secchi visibility 3 mtr depth 12,0 mtr
Secchi visibility 6 mtr depth 12,0 mtr
Plants: Elodea , individual small plants grow at banks. Elodea in unrooted (tumbleweed like) bushes remain constant being covered with a thin layer of sediment. 
Area A/D

Comment: First hangup new plate H124. Picking up H136 and H106 for photography.

H136 – start 27-09-12 -> Young mussels have grown bigger to 2,5 mm
H106 – start 15-12-12 -> Brown yellow gelatine like layer on the brick and thread. Very small mussle specks on the plate.
Full report will follow
My buddy Cees was testing his gear for a holliday in which he wanted to go deep. Along the dive we saw an embedded eal. at about 17 mtr depth. 

H136 with tiny mussels.

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