29-11-2011 19:56 hrs Hbos

Weather     : Rainy / S wind 4 bft / Rain 0.9 mm
Divers        : John, Axel
Goal          : GPS logging
Max depth  : 8.7 mtr
Duration     : 52 minutes
Air temp     : 7.6 celsius
Water temp: 9.2 celsius
Thermocline: none
Fish           :  1 Zander (Stizostedion Lucioperca) cloud of freshwater shrimp
                   > 5 perch, 1 eal (anguila), 1 common bream (Abramis brama), >10 Roach (Rutilis rutilis),
                   >10 Ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus), 2 Pike (Esox Lucius) 
                   2 (Leucaspius delineatus).

Plants        : Waterweed (Elodea canadensis) range 1-4 mtr depth
                  in some areas reaching max height of 50 cm, no decay
Visibility     : Within dive area variying < 3 mtrs.
Remarks     : no divers in the water.

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