Weather : Cloudy / W wind 5 bft / Rain 1.9 mm
Divers : John, Axel
Goal : Place marks on 3 and 6 mtr depth on right outer pile of Paviljoen.
Measure visibility with baseline measure card and yellow card
Max depth : 11.0 mtr
Duration : 43 minutes
Air temp : 8.4 celsius
Water temp: 8.8 celsius
Thermocline: none
Fish : none
Plants : Waterweed (Elodea canadensis) range 1-4 mtr depth no decay
Visibility : At 6 mtr depth 5 meters, at 3 mtr depth 5,5 meters.
Remarks : < 10 divers in the water.
The baseline viz meter indicates 2 meters of visibility less than a yellow card. If one’s sight is a bit impared than the yellow square suddenly disappears is more easy to read out than a card with the white lines. Maybe a combination of the two type of cards can give a better average of the two measured distances. In this case viz of 6 meters.