2012-04-24 20:33 hbos

Weather     : Some clouds / SW wind 3 bft / Rain 6.5 mm / 995.6 hpa
Divers        : John, Axel
Goal          : GPS run
Max depth  : 14.9
Duration     : 68 minutes
Air temp     : 9 celsius
Water temp: 8.4 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish           : 1 Zanders, 5 eals, waterfleas up to 14.9 mtr depth, > 5 small perch,  
Plants        : wire algea at 9 mtr depth and up, south from Paviljoen
Visibility     :  4.5 mtr at 3 and 6 mtr depth.
Remarks     :  2 divers in water
At this stage 1 airpump at the yellow buoy is working. We tried to do a GPS run of the 17 mtr reef, 
At 7 meters a cloud of shrimp gave away the location of the first eal. At 14 mtr depth a thick mist reduced visibility to 0. We went southwest bound and intercepted an northsouth anchorline. We followed that until it went up to the southwest plaform. Near that a solitary eal layed on the bottom. We went further south en came across impressive boulders of clay. We ascended to 10 meters and followed the 10 meter line in a sharp bend going north. A few more formations of clay boulders. We ascended further to 8 meters and spotted patches of wire algea.At one clay formation 3 eals were located in a few crevasses. We proceeded further north until we reached the Paviljoen. A quick circumnavigation around it, because we cannot pull the surface buoy under and my GPS is attached to it. GPS run was invane because it did not log properly and missed accuracy. This Wintec GPS is not suitable for this purpose.

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