2012-04-26 19:26 hbos

Weather     : Some clouds / S wind 5-6 bft / Rain 2.7 mm / 1000.9 hpa
Divers        : Remko, Axel
Goal          : Visibility check
Max depth  : 13.0
Duration     : 49 minutes
Air temp     : 11 celsius
Water temp : 9.2 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish           : 1 Zander, 1 big fat perch,  1 Pike with common fishleach on it.
Plants        : wire algea at 9 mtr depth and up, south from Paviljoen
Visibility     :  6 mtr at 3 and 6 mtr depth.
Remarks     :  > 4 divers in water
At this stage 1 airpump at the yellow buoy is working and after checking pontoons at 28-04-12 also the two eastern pumps are working. Mist now at 13 meters depth.
The fat perch is probably full of eggs. Not much waterflea activity as the days before. This week strong winds do not seem to have a great impact on visibility. Piles under Paviljoen slowly grow algea on them.

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