2012-05-03 19:58 hbos

Weather     : Clouded / SSW wind 3 bft / Rain < 0.05 mm / 1010 hpa
Divers        : John, Axel
Goal          : Visibility check
Max depth  : 14.8
Duration     : 68 minutes
Air temp     :  11.8 celsius
Water temp : 10.0 celsius minimum
Thermocline: none
Fish           : 1 Zaner, 3 eals, 1 big perch.
Plants        : wire algea 
Visibility     :  5 mtr at 3 and 6 mtr depth
Yellow viz   :  7 mtr at 3 and 6 mtr depth
Remarks     :  > 4 divers in water
Made Picture of a completely bare tarpaulin which normally is overgrown with mussels. You can see them in the picasa photo album under the album tarpaulin.
There is a cloud of dust hanging under the platform. Mist remains at 14 mtr depth.No significant changes as to previous dive. 

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