2012-10-21 10:16 hbos 180 minute dive. airpumps stopped

Weather : overcast/ NE wind 4 bft / Rain 0.0 mm / 1017.0 hpa

Divers : Remko, Iva, Vincent, Thijs, Jan, Axel
Goal : Check SETL plates, visibility and get an overall impression
Max depth : 7.9 mtrs
Duration : 180 minutes
Air temp : 11.0 celsius
Water temp : 14,0 celsius minimum
Fish: > 5 Pike, 2 eals, schools with young perch, 2 eals, 6 jellyfish at about 57 meters depth on north and south part of the narrowest part of the lake.
Plants : Elodea is the dominant species, 1 bush of some waterplant.
Visibility : 9,0 mtr at 3 and 10 mtr at 6 meter depth using Sechhi.
Baseline meter gave 6,5 meters where the divers could clearly be seen.
Remarks: > 10 divers, No thermocline. Very clear water. 

SETL H135 (white tiewrap) : stable. Only algea grows on side and on top of the plate.
SETL H136 (black tiewrap) : Totally clean probably due to diver bubbles.
In SW corner the visibility was reduced probably due to NE wind. Only the NE side has more fish.
passed 3 fishing lines with 1 dead herring as bate.  The lake is getting clearer now that the airpumps have stopped.

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